התורה שבטארוט
The Torah in the Tarot
In 1650 the Holy Office of the Inquisition was still actively pursuing Jewish converts to Catholicism who were suspected of practicing Judaism in secret. The exile of all Jews from France, declared by King Charles IV in 1394, continued unabated and had forced the remnant of French Jewish life to become entirely covert. Jews were still forbidden from living in England due to the Edict of Expulsion of 1290 declared by King Edward I. In Italy, by order of Papal decrees, Jews were living in crowded ghettos and were required to wear distinctive yellow hats. At this time, a French artist transformed the 22 major arcana of traditional Italian Trionfi cards into an entirely different set of images that have proven enduringly captivating. For nearly 400 years, the Judaic content of the Tarot de Marseille has been either unrecognized, misunderstood or ignored.

A reproduction of the 22 major arcana of
The Jean Noblet
Tarot de Marseille
∞ Created in France circa 1650 ∞
With an explanation of the Hebrew letters,
Judaic ritual objects, Torah stories &
Jewish holy days hidden in its images
NEW Second Edition Dec 2020 - Expanded Content with 24 illustrations of concealed Judaic ritual objects

The Torah
in the Tarot
The Torah in the Tarot is a reproduction of the 22 major arcana of The Jean Noblet Tarot de Marseille, created in France circa 1650, with an explanation of the Hebrew letters, Judaic ritual objects, Torah stories & Jewish holy days hidden in its images. The original, intended and forgotten meaning of the cards is revealed when examined through the lens of traditional Judaism.